Wave Length Code

Close your eyes. Think about a rhythm. What do you see? Multiple waves creating a pattern. Think about your life. What do you see? Now, open your eyes. Do you see the pattern? 

The code to life is wavelength. A heartbeat, muscle, frequency, states of matter. Some wavelengths are tangible, and some are invisible, but they are present. 

Life is in wavelengths— it’s what affords the journey in the full experience of emotions. From ignorance and unconsciousness to awareness. A reawakening through each wavelength. 

Through each wave cycle, we travel through inertia, simulation, and finally, wisdom. Just like It takes each wave to create the heart rhythm, it takes every sentient experience to create our life rhythm. So, whatever frequency we vibrate creates the wavelength that directs what we create.

To change your life is to change your wavelength. Even water energetically changes its wavelengths at different states. We are made of water, so we, too, have that ability. We, too, can change and must change. It is inevitable as we are energy that vibrates at different frequencies. We have just been distracted from sustaining our vibrations because we keep looking outside ourselves for the solution to understand the flow state of our frequencies.

The issue, however, isn't finding it. It is believing that only you know how to use it because it wasn’t given to anyone else but you. The fear is not that we aren’t powerful enough for it. The fear is that we are powerful enough with it. Why?  We are looking outside to confirm our power. To be led instead of leading with it. 

In a world that is constantly choosing highs, we inevitably fear and choose the rush over ecstasy and pleasure over sustenance.

Everything is soul-sourced, You cannot find the solution outside of the problem. The solution is in the problem. Look within. Only there will you feel your tempo. 


Truth is always better than Proof